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A healthy mind in a healthy body

by | Nov 21, 2020 | Articles, Meditation, Yoga

In the world of yoga you often hear the saying, “Practice and all is coming”*.

First of all, let me say that ‘practice’ in yoga doesn’t only refer to the physical practice, but also to meditation. And meditation is not only seated, it is also the constant observation of ourselves.

Practice in Yoga is the pursuit of awareness and personal evolution.

Τhis makes me wonder why so many people practice every day, and yet they are primarily characterized by narcissism and a competitive spirit – not quite the right signs of a so-called “awakening”.

People who are very involved in physical practice, believe – and rightly so – that we are a whole and by evolving the body, we also evolve our mind.

But the mind is more difficult to evolve than the body. The mind is the master of the game, the source, the cause. Trying to tame it through changing its physical manifestations is exactly what modern medicine and drugs do. They try to get rid of the symptoms, believing that in this way they will get rid of the cause as well.

This works to a certain degree and is legitimate, especially when the symptoms block you so much that you cannot function. They open a window for you to breathe and so be able to work on the causes. But that’s it!

The body is the vehicle and is a prerequisite for a good life. But the mind is the captain.

Even if you turbocharge a vehicle, your driving will not improve. On the contrary, you will crash harder.

On the other hand, if you are an excellent driver with a clunker… then you should pray that you arrive at your destination before you collapse.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body,” said our ancient ancestors. Simultaneously, equally, cooperatively.


* A quote often attributed to Pattabhi Jois (founder of Asthanga) coming from the Bhagavad Gita.

1 Comment

  1. Jaxon

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