“There is no favorable wind
for the sailor
who doesn’t know where to go”
“There is no favorable wind
for the sailor
who doesn’t know where to go”
By soothing and controlling your anger, the other person and the whole world instantly becomes a little bit better than it was before…
The purpose of every action and thought is to transcend them. But transcendence prerequires their profound comprehension.
A strange Illusion: Beauty goes through time ignoring its interventions. Beauty bears no fruit, nor does it reproduce itself. It is eternal.
With the Mindfulness Morning Rituals you can stay more focused and mindful throughout the day and accomplish errands with greater efficacy.
Don’t be afraid that you may repeat what others have already said and done. What matters is your perspective and the way you present them.
Daily Inspirational Thoughts in your Inbox!
Just thought I would comment and say awesome theme, did you create it for yourself? It looks excellent!